
Oct 7, 2012

DIY Scratch-Off in this case Valentine Card

DIY Scratch-Off Valentine Cards

Tonight for our weekly activity for the young women at my church, we made scratch-off Valentines cards. I have seen DIY scratch-off card ideas circulating around pinterest a while back, and thought it was the cutest thing, which is not surprising at all due to my love for the lotto

The cards were surprisingly very easy to make and only required a few items: 
1. Acrylic Paint (I used silver, but any color can be used)
2. Dish Soap
3. Pen
4. Small paint brush
5. Card printed on cardstock
6. White crayon
After you have all the material, you will be shocked at how simple the process is. 

1. PRINT: Print card design on cardstock (see my designs below which can be downloaded).

2. WRITE MESSAGE: In the hearts that will be scratched off, write sweet things for your Valentine with a pen. In my case I offered small acts of service, but it can be creative. Warning: Before you move onto the next step make sure the ink is COMPLETELY dry. A thin Sharpie may work best, but not necessary.

3. CRAYON: Cover message, and where ever the scratch-off area will be, completely with a white crayon. 

4. MIX PAINT: Mix a 2 to 1 ratio of paint to dish soap (the 2 being the dishsoap) on a small plate. You don't need a lot a little bit goes a long way!
5. PAINT: Paint mixture over the area that you covered with the crayon. You will need to be very liberal with your your application, as the wax from the crayon will act as a repellent. I applied very thick amounts of paint on in a dapping motion. You can also repeat this process once it has dried.  If the paint appears bumpy or uneven don't worry because when it dries it will be perfectly smooth. 

6. DRY: Due to the thickness of the paint and the fact that the paint can't be absorbed in the paper, the valentine will need to dry for about 1 hour before it is completely dry. 

7. SCRATCH: Provide a penny for your Valentine to scratch off their personalized message that is just for them. 
Click here to download PDF.
Click here to download PDF.
Click here to download PDF.
Click here to download PDF.
Thanks to Story of Pat & Lindsay


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is such a great idea, I've been looking for templates and these are perfect! thank you!x

    1. Good great I'm glad you like it ...Have fun for Valentine's ....Love always
